Wednesday, February 12, 2014

I don't remember doing this!

I was recently interviewed by Private Wealth Magazine for an article they are writing on Green Homes, and Green Building in particular.  A sticky challenge for me because the USGBC requested that in my interview I also assure to project the message that Green Building should be affordable, not just for luxury homes. 

I received a draft of the text for the article, and went to Google to assure some of their  percentages are correct for the additional cost of LEED Certification in residential construction.  I stumbled across an article (click HERE) on a website called Green Compliance Plus entitled, "LEED for Homes: Is it Worth It?"  First I saw a photo of our project at 1491 Neptune and thought, "That's funny that they posted an image of our project."  Then I saw that I was a contributor and that I had completed a survey for them.   I have absolutely no recollection of that contribution.  Makes me wonder where else my presence may be out there in cyberspace... possibly forever.

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